[Gmsh] about mesh refinement by scripting

Mikhail Titov mlt at gmx.us
Fri May 14 18:24:35 CEST 2010

I believe original intent of 'utils' folder is to provide templates for
incorporation into your own code. But I guess your approach can also
work:-) Consider using options file. It will save you from few mouse clicks.


On 05/14/2010 04:13 AM, Giuseppe Zagari wrote:
> Hi David, with my pleasure I'll do it!
> In a linux terminal or in a windows cmd:
> 1) go in the directory gmsh/utils/solvers/c++/
> 2) compile the file  interactive.cpp with the following command:
>       ~$ g++ interactive.cpp -lreadline -ltermcap
>     that produce an executable called a.out 
> 3) execute gmsh in listening mode:
>       ~$ gmsh -listen &
> 4) go in gmsh Tools->Options->Solver->General
>     and take (or change) the socket name (by default is .gmshsock)
>     ! under windows change it in <>
> 5) launch the executable of above with followed by the socket name as:
>     linux:        ~$ ./a.out  /yourhome/.gmshsock   
>     windows:   ~$ ./a.exe  localhost:44122      
> now you will get a commad line like this:
>     ~$gmsh>
> that waiting for your input as you do in the .geo file.
> Good work! 
> Best regards and thank you for gmsh
> -GZ
> -- 
> Ing. Giuseppe Zagari, Ph. D.
> Dip. Modellistica per l'Ing. - UNICAL
> Via P. Bucci, Cubo 39/b 87036
> Arcavacata di Rende CS ITALY
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