[Gmsh] about mesh refinement by scripting

Giuseppe Zagari gzagari at unical.it
Fri May 14 11:13:46 CEST 2010

Hi David, with my pleasure I'll do it!

In a linux terminal or in a windows cmd:

1) go in the directory gmsh/utils/solvers/c++/
2) compile the file  interactive.cpp with the following command:
      ~$ g++ interactive.cpp -lreadline -ltermcap
    that produce an executable called a.out
3) execute gmsh in listening mode:
      ~$ gmsh -listen &
4) go in gmsh Tools->Options->Solver->General
    and take (or change) the socket name (by default is .gmshsock)
    ! under windows change it in
5) launch the executable of above with followed by the socket name as:
    linux:        ~$ ./a.out  /yourhome/.gmshsock
    windows:   ~$ ./a.exe  localhost:44122
now you will get a commad line like this:


that waiting for your input as you do in the .geo file.
Good work!

Best regards and thank you for gmsh

Ing. Giuseppe Zagari, Ph. D.
Dip. Modellistica per l'Ing. - UNICAL
Via P. Bucci, Cubo 39/b 87036
Arcavacata di Rende CS ITALY
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