[Gmsh] Problem with volume creation in 3D geometry

Marina Tsili marina.tsili at gmail.com
Sun Apr 11 20:59:07 CEST 2010

Hello to all gmsh developers and many thanks for this flexible 
open-source mesh creation software, expanding possibilities for finite 
element analysis.

I am using the latest version of gmsh software for windows, in order to 
construct the 3D geometry of a transformer.

I am attaching you the respective geo file (GMSH_Transformer.geo) 
consisting of 10 volumes (elementary entities 
3,4,5,6,1142,1381,1621,1860,2100, corresponding to physical volumes 
2107,2108,2109,2110,2101,2102,2103,2104,2105 and 2106, respectively) 
representing the cores and coils of the active part. These volumes are 
surrounded by  external surfaces consisting of  curved  (rounded) and  
rectangular  parts, representing the geometry of the tank with its 
corrugated panels. Although each part of the external surfaces seems to 
be well defined (and can be selected during the 'Elementary 
Entitities-->Add--->New--->Volume' process), it is impossible to create 
the volume between these outer surfaces and the rest of the volumes in 
the considered geometry.

Can anybody provide some hint on possible errors in the geometry 
definition? Why, although the outer surfaces seem to create a closed 
surface loop, it is not possible to create a volume surrounded by them?

Many thanks in advance for your help
Marina Tsili
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