[Gmsh] Create gmsh 2D.

Christophe Geuzaine cgeuzaine at uliege.be
Fri Jul 3 20:57:46 CEST 2020

> On 3 Jul 2020, at 17:10, Keith Sloan <keith at sloan-home.co.uk> wrote:
> Okay I am trying to add certain gmsh functionality to a FreeCAD work bench.
> I can deal with FreeCAD Shapes by writing out a temp brep file and reading using gmsh.
> Not very elegant but it works.
> I am trying to also handle Meshes. Now there are no export options on a FreeCAD mesh .
> I have access to Edges, Facets, Points
> see print(dir())
> Create Tetrahedra Mesh from Mesh
> Facets : 4900
> ['Area', 'BoundBox', 'Content', 'CountEdges', 'CountFacets', 'CountPoints', 'Facets', 'Matrix', 'MemSize', 'Module', 'Placement', 'Points', 'Topology', 'TypeId', 'Volume', '__class__', '__delattr__', '__dir__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__init_subclass__', '__le__', '__lt__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', 'addFacet', 'addFacets', 'addMesh', 'clear', 'coarsen', 'collapseEdge', 'collapseFacet', 'collapseFacets', 'copy', 'countComponents', 'countNonUniformOrientedFacets', 'countSegments', 'crossSections', 'cut', 'decimate', 'difference', 'dumpContent', 'fillupHoles', 'fixDeformations', 'fixDegenerations', 'fixIndices', 'fixSelfIntersections', 'flipNormals', 'foraminate', 'getAllDerivedFrom', 'getEigenSystem', 'getFacesFromSubelement', 'getFacetSelection', 'getInternalFacets', 'getNonUniformOrientedFacets', 'getPlanarSegments', 'getPointNormals', 'getPointSelection', 'getSegment', 'getSegmentsByCurvature', 'getSegmentsOfType', 'getSelfIntersections', 'getSeparateComponents', 'harmonizeNormals', 'hasInvalidPoints', 'hasNonManifolds', 'hasNonUniformOrientedFacets', 'hasSelfIntersections', 'inner', 'insertVertex', 'intersect', 'isDerivedFrom', 'isSolid', 'meshFromSegment', 'nearestFacetOnRay', 'offset', 'offsetSpecial', 'optimizeEdges', 'optimizeTopology', 'outer', 'printInfo', 'read', 'rebuildNeighbourHood', 'refine', 'removeComponents', 'removeDuplicatedFacets', 'removeDuplicatedPoints', 'removeFacets', 'removeFoldsOnSurface', 'removeInvalidPoints', 'removeNonManifoldPoints', 'removeNonManifolds', 'restoreContent', 'rotate', 'setPoint', 'smooth', 'snapVertex', 'splitEdge', 'splitEdges', 'splitFacet', 'swapEdge', 'transform', 'transformToEigen', 'translate', 'trim', 'unite', 'write', 'writeInventor']
> I get the impression, maybe wrong that I have to create a surface with boundary curves and then add nodes and coordinates,
> but not sure how I could create boundary curves given that I am trying to handle generic cases where I have no control
> over the mesh I get passed.
> Any ideas?

It would help if you explained what you actually want to do...


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Prof. Christophe Geuzaine
University of Liege, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 

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