[Gmsh] R: command line options

Alessandro Vicini alessandro.vicini at sitael.com
Fri Sep 21 14:56:36 CEST 2018

Ok, thank you, what I do not understand is how to do the 2d smoothing before the 3D mesh….
I have tried (ok, that’s trivial….):

Gmsh -2 –smooth 5 -3 –optimize

But this just starts with the 3D mesh…

Da: Ruth Vazquez Sabariego [mailto:ruth.sabariego at kuleuven.be]
Inviato: venerdì 21 settembre 2018 14:54
A: Alessandro Vicini
Cc: gmsh at onelab.info
Oggetto: Re: [Gmsh] command line options

You can get all the available options by typing in the command line:
gmsh -—help

2D mesh => -2
3D mesh => -3
gmsh -smooth number_steps
gmsh -optimize


On 21 Sep 2018, at 14:47, Alessandro Vicini <alessandro.vicini at sitael.com<mailto:alessandro.vicini at sitael.com>> wrote:

I usually work interactively, and I go through the following steps to generate a 3D mesh:

1)      2D mesh;
2)      Smoothing of the 2D mesh (repeated a few times);
3)      3D mesh;
4)      Optimization of 3D mesh.

How would I carry out the same process from command line? Thank you.


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