[Gmsh] get mesh volume
Juan E. Sanchez
juan.e.sanchez at gmail.com
Mon Apr 30 22:58:54 CEST 2018
Is there a way to get the mesh volume calculated by gmsh?
My simulator is calculating a volume of 1.09e-15 for the attached
structure, but it should be 1e-15.
Before I added these flags
I was getting 1.17e-15.
I am summing the volume for each tetrahedron sub volume from the edge
center, to the element center, to the centers of each triangle face of
the edge.
If my calculation is correct, are there flags I can use to improve the
I am running version 3.06.
gmsh -3 3dblock.geo
-------------- next part --------------
w = 1;
cl = 5e-2;
xl = 0.0;
xh = w;
yl = 0.0;
yh = w;
zl = 0.0;
zh = w;
Point(1) = {xl, yl, zl, cl};
Point(2) = {xh, yl, zl, cl};
Point(3) = {xh, yh, zl, cl};
Point(4) = {xl, yh, zl, cl};
Point(5) = {xl, yl, zh, cl};
Point(6) = {xh, yl, zh, cl};
Point(7) = {xh, yh, zh, cl};
Point(8) = {xl, yh, zh, cl};
Line(1) = {3,7};
Line(2) = {6,2};
Line(3) = {6,7};
Line(4) = {3,2};
Line(5) = {8,7};
Line(6) = {8,4};
Line(7) = {3,4};
Line(8) = {8,5};
Line(9) = {5,1};
Line(10) = {4,1};
Line(11) = {1,2};
Line(12) = {5,6};
Line Loop(13) = {1,-3,2,-4};
Plane Surface(14) = {13};
Line Loop(15) = {5,-3,-12,-8};
Plane Surface(16) = {15};
Line Loop(17) = {12,2,-11,-9};
Plane Surface(18) = {17};
Line Loop(19) = {11,-4,7,10};
Plane Surface(20) = {19};
Line Loop(21) = {7,-6,5,-1};
Plane Surface(22) = {21};
Line Loop(23) = {10,-9,-8,6};
Plane Surface(24) = {23};
Surface Loop(25) = {22,20,18,16,14,24};
Volume(26) = {25};
Physical Surface("top") = {20};
Physical Surface("bot") = {16};
Physical Volume("Bulk") = {26};
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