[Gmsh] Parabola

Raavi M. Mohindar Rao raavi.mohindar.rao at gmail.com
Wed Apr 4 22:59:09 CEST 2018

D = 10.0*0.0999308;
f2d = 0.72;
f = D*f2d;

h = 0.05;

parabolLowerEdgeHeight = -D/2;
parabolPoints = 101;
delta = D/(parabolPoints-1);

For i In {0:parabolPoints-1}

    x = (i*delta)+parabolLowerEdgeHeight;
    z = (x*x)/(4.0*f);
    pList[i] = newp;
    Point(pList[i]) = {x, 0, z, h};


Line (newl) = pList[];

line1[] = Extrude {{0, 0, 1}, {0, 0, 0}, Pi/2} {Line{pList[]};};

line2[] = Extrude {{0, 0, 1}, {0, 0, 0}, Pi/2} {Line{line1[]};};

I am stuck here. I looking forward to get a physical surface for


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