[Gmsh] Coherence causing problems

Julian Dean j.dean at sheffield.ac.uk
Tue Jan 20 17:19:40 CET 2015

Dear GMsh, 

I’ve created a collection of volumes (with coherence off) from a collection of points, lines and surfaces. 
I set, for example all the surfaces for volume 3 to a fine mesh on the surface and edges. (using a math restrict applying it to a EdgesList and FaceList.) 

When I then run coherence - which i need- obvious the shared surfaces collapse. The issue is when i go on to mesh the structure not all the surfaces of the volumes are attributed this fine mesh as obviously they have change their ID number. 

Without having to go through all the surfaces manually and see which are shared, apply the field to them as well (last resort) is there any sneaky way i’m missing?

best regards
