[Gmsh] Is there any way to interrupt the meshing process in the FLTK graphical interface?

Felix Salazar felix.salazar at polymtl.ca
Sat Feb 8 02:32:33 CET 2014

Hello Gmsh comunity,

I'm using Gmsh to build a mesh in a Geometry that's parametrized. I also
use a few dimensional parameters for the size of the elements and the
gradings. Some combinations of parameters does not behave well, and the
message console starts to print warning and error messages.

In those cases, I would like to interrupt the meshing process and change
those parameters into different values. But there's no STOP button. I have
to kill the gmsh process, and reopen, which is faster than waiting it to
finish a meshing process of a mesh that I know it won't work, due to the
warnings and errors.

Is there an option I ignore?


*Félix Salazar**felix.salazar at polymtl.ca <felix.salazar at polymtl.ca>*
Étudiant au doctorat - PhD Student
*École Polytechnique de Montréal*
*     LADYF*
     Lab. de dynamique des fluides
(514) 340 4711 ext 2489
Local: C-318.21.3
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