[Gmsh] cannot create a volumic mesh of a "complex" region??
christophe.trophime at lncmi.cnrs.fr
Wed Nov 7 11:17:23 CET 2012
I have some trouble generating the mesh of a "slice" of our magnets
especially for the region "Air' defined in HR_New_Virtual_Sphere.geo.
The geometry is defined in HR_New_GMSH.geo which includes several files.
The construction is parametrized (see data in HR_New-DAT.dat) : first we
build the magnet (see functions defined in HR_New-GEO.geo) then we
define the air around (see HR_New_Virtual_Sphere.geo which defines Air
and AirInf ) to compute the magnetic field generated by the magnet.
The trouble is that I cannot get a volumic mesh of the Air region...
I only have a mesh of the "Air" boundaries.
I must do something wrong in the definition of the Air region?
I would be grateful for any help to fix this problem
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Function Virtual_Sphere
Z_C = (z+z0)/2.;
Printf("z0=%g", z0);
Printf("z=%g", z);
Printf("z+z0=%g", Fabs[z-z0]);
Printf("Z_C=%g", (z+z0)/2.);
// Define Points
P0=newp; Point(P0) = {0, 0, Z_C, LcAxis};
P1=newp; Point(P1) = {R * Cos[alpha[0]], R * Sin[alpha[0]], Z_C, LcBox};
P2=newp; Point(P2) = {R * Cos[alpha[#alpha[]-1]], R * Sin[alpha[#alpha[]-1]], Z_C, LcBox};
P3=newp; Point(P3) = {0, 0, Z_C+R, LcBox};
P4=newp; Point(P4) = {0, 0, Z_C-R, LcBox};
C12=newl; Circle(C12) = {P1, P0, P2};
C23=newl; Circle(C23) = {P2, P0, P3};
C31=newl; Circle(C31) = {P3, P0, P1};
C14=newl; Circle(C14) = {P1, P0, P4};
C24=newl; Circle(C24) = {P2, P0, P4};
//L01=newl; Line(L01) = {P0, P1};
//L02=newl; Line(L02) = {P0, P2};
L03=newl; Line(L03) = {P0, P3};
L04=newl; Line(L04) = {P0, P4};
Hemi1=newl; Line Loop(Hemi1) = {C12, C23, C31};
HemiS1=newl; Ruled Surface(HemiS1) = {Hemi1};
Printf("HemiS1=%g", HemiS1);
lb230=newreg; Line Loop(lb230)={-C31, -L03, L04, -C14};
Lb230=newreg; Plane Surface(Lb230)={lb230, -V0[]};
Printf("Lb230=%g", Lb230);
Hemi2=newl; Line Loop(Hemi2) = {C12, C24, -C14};
HemiS2=newl; Ruled Surface(HemiS2) = {Hemi2};
Printf("HemiS2=%g", HemiS2);
lb380=newreg; Line Loop(lb380)={-C23, C24, -L04, L03};
Lb380=newreg; Plane Surface(Lb380)={lb380, -V1[]};
Printf("Lb380=%g", Lb380);
box = newreg ;
Surface Loop(box) = {HemiS1, HemiS2, Lb230, Lb380, Bord_RI[], Bord_RE[], Bord_HChannel[], Bord_RChannel[], Bord_Neumann[], Bord_Isolant[]};
If (!isolant)
Surface Loop(box) = {HemiS1, HemiS2, Lb230, Lb380, Bord_RI[], Bord_RE[], Bord_HChannel[], Bord_RChannel[], Bord_Neumann[]};
Printf("box=%g", box);
Box = newreg ; Volume(Box) = {box} ;
Printf("Box=%g", Box);
Physical Volume("Air") = {Box}; //Volume Box1
// Define Shell Points
X_R_S = (R+Delta_R) * Cos[alpha[0]];
Y_R_S = (R+Delta_R) * Sin[alpha[0]];
P10=newp; Point(P10) = {(R+Delta_R) * Cos[alpha[0]], (R+Delta_R) * Sin[alpha[0]], Z_C, LcInf};
P20=newp; Point(P20) = {(R+Delta_R) * Cos[alpha[#alpha[]-1]], (R+Delta_R) * Sin[alpha[#alpha[]-1]], Z_C, LcInf};
P30=newp; Point(P30) = {0, 0, Z_C+(R+Delta_R), 5*LcInf};
P40=newp; Point(P40) = {0, 0, Z_C-(R+Delta_R), 5*LcInf};
C1020=newl; Circle(C1020) = {P10, P0, P20};
C2030=newl; Circle(C2030) = {P20, P0, P30};
C3010=newl; Circle(C3010) = {P30, P0, P10};
C1040=newl; Circle(C1040) = {P10, P0, P40};
C2040=newl; Circle(C2040) = {P20, P0, P40};
L110=newl; Line(L110) = {P1, P10};
L220=newl; Line(L220) = {P2, P20};
L330=newl; Line(L330) = {P3, P30};
L440=newl; Line(L440) = {P4, P40};
HemiR1=newl; Line Loop(HemiR1) = {C1020, C2030, C3010};
HemiRS1=newl; Ruled Surface(HemiRS1) = {HemiR1};
HemiR2=newl; Line Loop(HemiR2) = {C1020, C2040, -C1040};
HemiRS2=newl; Ruled Surface(HemiRS2) = {HemiR2};
OxOz1=newl; Line Loop(OxOz1) = {C14, L440, -C1040, -L110};
Sym_OxOz1=newl; Plane Surface(Sym_OxOz1) = {OxOz1};
OxOz2=newl; Line Loop(OxOz2) = {C31, L110, -C3010, -L330};
Sym_OxOz2=newl; Plane Surface(Sym_OxOz2) = {OxOz2};
OyOz1=newl; Line Loop(OyOz1) = {-C24, L220, C2040, -L440};
Sym_OyOz1=newl; Plane Surface(Sym_OyOz1) = {OyOz1};
OyOz2=newl; Line Loop(OyOz2) = {C23, L330, -C2030, -L220};
Sym_OyOz2=newl; Plane Surface(Sym_OyOz2) = {OyOz2};
shell=newreg; Surface Loop(shell) = {Sym_OxOz1, Sym_OxOz2, HemiRS1, HemiRS2, HemiS1, HemiS2, Sym_OyOz1, Sym_OyOz2};
Shell = newreg ; Volume(Shell) = {shell} ;
////////PHYSICAL REGION /////////
Physical Surface("Infinity") = {HemiRS1, HemiRS2} ; // Infini
Physical Surface("Symetrie1") = {Lb230, Sym_OxOz1, Sym_OxOz2} ; // Sym OxOz
Physical Surface("Symetrie2") = {Lb380, Sym_OyOz1, Sym_OyOz2} ; // Sym OyOzFace Bas Box 2
Physical Volume("AirInf") = {Shell}; //Volume Box2