[Gmsh] Symmetry on Layered Surface at meshing time question
jean pierre aubry
jeanpierre at lamachine.fr
Wed Sep 5 08:27:30 CEST 2012
when i do
edge1s[] = { Extrude {0, t1, 0} {Line{6, -4, -5, -7};Layers {3};} };
followed by
symedge1s[] = {
Symmetry {0, 1, 0, 0}
{Duplicata { Surface{edge1s[]}; } }
and meshes
the surfaces edges1s[] are correctly meshed with 3 elements along the
length t1
symedge1s[] does not show a symmetric mesh, element size
follows the characteristic length at point as defined
this is what is described in the manual regarding symmetry
is there a way to apply symmetry to the the meshing "seed" defined in
the Extrude command?
jean pierre aubry