[Gmsh] meshing 1D line with only one element, recent version different from earlier!

jean pierre aubry jeanpierre at lamachine.fr
Fri Dec 9 07:02:18 CET 2011


i have a geometry consisting in many 1D elements crossing each other a
90° so as to form something like a fishnet
i want only nodes at the crossing points, and i mesh only 1D
earlier versions of Gmsh did that perfectly OK, but the very recent ones
are adding one node in the middle of each segment 
even if i specify a Characteristic length longer that the side of the

i know i could use Transfinite on Lines, for some reason i had like not

but what is worse is that on old geometry ( a few month old) is mesh
differently as it was and as the solver requires only one element per
side of the square it gives unexpected results

is there a way to get that right without using Transfinite


jean pierre aubry