[Gmsh] Fwd: Re: Boundary layers in gmsh?
Joris Mattheijssens
joris.mattheijssens at rma.ac.be
Fri Jun 10 11:47:39 CEST 2011
Dear Mr Geuze,
I am trying to add boundary layers to my 2D airfoil mesh. I made the
mesh by extruding surfaces. The problem is now that the layer extrusion
should be perpendicular to the direction of the previous extrusion. I
can extrude the layers, but they form a separated mesh.
Is it to do this possible with gmsh? In attachment you find my .geo
file and a picture of the problem. Line 71 is where the layers are
Best regards,
Joris Mattheijssens, Ir.
Royal Military Academy, Belgium
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