[Gmsh] crash when meshing 'cleaned' STEP file
Zenker, Dr. Matthias
Matthias.Zenker at erbe-med.com
Fri Apr 8 15:18:58 CEST 2011
I am working on a method to 'clean' STEP files in order to get a
conformal mesh between adjacent bodies. If I get it to work, I will be
happy to share it, but I am still struggling at the moment...
My problem is that gmsh will not mesh my 'cleaned' geometry. What I try
to do is to determine the surfaces and lines which are identical, delete
the unnecessary ones and redefine the volumes using the remaining
surfaces. I use an external tool (scilab script), so I did not modify
gmsh. Please find in the attachment my test geometry in STEP format and
the geo file I want to use for the 3D mesh. gmsh does the 2D and 2D
meshing without problems, but crashes during the 3D mesh (either I get a
net crash, or gmsh does not respond any more after some time, and I have
to kill it). Did I do something wrong when generating the geo file? I
would be very happy if someone could have a look on my case.
I am using gmsh 2.5.1svn under Windoze XP.
Thank you for any hint,
ERBE Elektromedizin GmbH
Dr.rer.nat. Matthias Zenker
Dipl. Phys.
Grundlagenentwicklung / Fundamental Development
Waldhoernlestrasse 17
72072 Tuebingen
Phone + 49 (0) 7071 755 - 226
Fax + 49 (0) 7071 755 - 5226
E-Mail: <mailto:Matthias.Zenker at erbe-med.com>
URL: http://www.ERBE-med.com
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