[Gmsh] Entity numbering in merged file
Martin Vymazal
martin.vymazal at vki.ac.be
Thu Nov 25 01:08:52 CET 2010
Dear gmsh developers,
I have 2 separate msh files which I'd like to merge into one. The
problem is that certain parts of the mesh in file1.msh and file2.msh
have the same elementary numbers. I put this in merge.geo:
Merge "file1.msh";
Merge "file2.msh";
merged.msh contains both meshes combined, but the mesh regions which
had identical numbers in file1 and file2 have the same (one) number in
merge.msh and I cannot distinguish them.
I tried to assign distinct physical tags to the problematic mesh
regions, but it didn't help. Is there a way of merging the two mesh
parts and preserving unique elementary entity tags? Thank you.
Best regards,
Martin Vymazal
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