[Gmsh] help with hexahedra
pierre.moussou at edf.fr
Tue Jun 22 12:34:23 CEST 2010
I am currently trying to build an hexahedral mesh for CFD purposes, and I
wished to use the "Transfinite Volume" command applied to quadrangular
surfaces. I did not want to use the "Extrude" command because the
numbering of the lateral surfaces is hard to predict.
I succeeded in meshing surfaces with more than four sides, by defining
four corners, as shown in the joint file.
I expected to do the same thing with volumes, by defining eight corners.
It does not seem to work, and the message indicates that only volumes with
5 or 6 faces can be meshed with hexahedra.
Is there a way to mesh my volume with hexahedra ?
Otherwise, if only 6 faces volumes can be meshed with hexahedras, I do not
see the point in defining six corners.
Thank you for your help.
With best regards
Ingénieur-chercheur expert
Département Analyses en Mécanique et Acoustique
Groupe Expertise Vibratoire des Structures
1, avenue du general de Gaulle
92141 Clamart
pierre.moussou at edf.fr
Tél. : 01 47 65 44 43
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