[Gmsh] about mesh refinement by scripting

Giuseppe Zagari gzagari at unical.it
Wed May 12 09:56:05 CEST 2010


I am using gmsh gui for checking
convergence of my finite elements following this procedure:
open gmsh, open filename, go to mesh module, clicking 2D and refine
many times as I want and run the analysis.

But now I would like to use it in a script like this:

gmsh -2 filename.geo
analyze filename // it use both .geo and .msh files
gmsh -refine filename.msh
analyze filename.msh
gmsh -refine filename.msh
analyze filename.msh

but, used in this way, gmsh change the node numbering.

Please suggest me in wich way I can obtaine the same
behavoiur of the gmsh-gui.

Best Regards and Many Thanks for gmsh


Ing. Giuseppe Zagari, Ph. D.
Dip. Modellistica per l'Ing. - UNICAL
Via P. Bucci, Cubo 39/b 87036
Arcavacata di Rende CS ITALY
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