[Gmsh] Question regarding the restrict field

Stéphane BLANCHET stephane.blanchet at esstin.uhp-nancy.fr
Fri Apr 16 10:55:11 CEST 2010

Dear support,


I use the restrict field to mesh my geometry, and it works so far with surfaces. But when I want to use this field on a volume, using "RegionsList", it seems that Gmsh does not handle this restriction, and I really don't know why. 


I would really appreciate any help.


Furthermore, it seems there are some restrictions about the creation of prismatic boundary layers (problem of collapsing, etc.), so I am wondering if this is something you are working on it, or if this is a permanent restriction.


My best regards


BLANCHET Stéphane 

Elève-Ingénieur ESSTIN (5eme Année)
Option: Mécanique des Fluides et Énergétique

Tél: 0632224601
Mail: stephane.blanchet at esstin.uhp-nancy.fr

Ecole Supérieure des Sciences et Technologies de l'Ingénieur de Nancy
Université Henri Poincaré Nancy I
2, rue Jean Lamour
54 519 - Vandoeuvre Lès Nancy

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