[Gmsh] How to choose an element type in non-interactive mode

David Colignon David.Colignon at ulg.ac.be
Thu Apr 1 08:42:23 CEST 2010

On 31/03/10 22:36, Umut Tabak wrote:

> Wojciech Artichowicz wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I would like to ask how to choose an element type in non-interactive
>> mode.
>> I haven’t found it in help nor in tutorial or reference manual.
>> How can I for example choose triangles or quads of 2 order (complete).
> Hi
> as far as I know, gmsh is an unstructured mesh generator, so by default
> that generates triangular meshes(in 2D). By 'transfinite' definition
> triangles are combined into quads(I hope this is not wrong, anyway
> developers will comment on that.)


that's right.

>> So far I’ve managed to create only triangle mesh, and if elements were
>> of order higher than one, they were always incomplete.
> There should be transfinite examples to generate quad meshes in the
> tutorials. Mesh order could be set with the options, I have used this
> before but do not remember now, sth like secondOrder complete, you can
> set that to 1 or 0 depending on the choice, that should be in the manual.

it is:


Create incomplete second order elements? (8-node quads, 20-node hexas, etc.)
Default value: 1
Saved in: General.OptionsFileName

You can choose the order on the command line with


gmsh.exe inputfile.geo –o outputfile.msh  -order 3 -2

and you can add


in you .geo file

or add

-string "Mesh.SecondOrderIncomplete=0;"

on the command line



David Colignon, Ph.D.
Collaborateur Logistique du F.R.S.-FNRS
CÉCI - Consortium des Équipements de Calcul Intensif
ACE - Applied & Computational Electromagnetics
Sart-Tilman B28
Université de Liège
4000 Liège - BELGIQUE
Tél: +32 (0)4 366 37 32
Fax: +32 (0)4 366 29 10
WWW:    http://hpc.montefiore.ulg.ac.be/
Agenda: http://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=david.colignon%40gmail.com

> HTH,
> Umut
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