[Gmsh] How transforming elementary entities to physical groups?

Konstantinos Poulios logari81 at googlemail.com
Fri Feb 19 09:53:29 CET 2010


so your problem is not to export your  mesh but to export it including
information about the groups you have defined. Even in this case you
don't need physical groups.

Which version of gmsh do you use? In the current version besides "Save
all (ignore physical groups)" in the export dialog there is the
"Elemen tag". I don't no the details of MED format but what you want
to do should be possible by selecting "Elementary entity" as "Element
Tag". Are you aware of this option?



On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 7:52 AM, Pierre JUILLARD
<pierre.juillard at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Konstantinos,
> Thanks for your attention.
> The thing is that I don't only need the mesh, I also would like to have the
> "elementary entities" groups as "physical groups".
> I think we don't understand each other with the term "elementary entities":
> at first, I was thinking that they were kind of elementary entities groups
> like "nodes", "shells", "hexahedre", "tetrahedre" and thus that user has no
> real choice to create them: maybe they are done by default... Actually, it
> turns out that no.
> My mesh which is essentially made up of shells elements and has about ten
> "elementary entities" groups, which are recorded as "elementaty entities",
> and not as "physical groups".
> The thing is that whatever if the option "Save all (ignore physical groups)"
> is checked or not, my groups are not present in the MED exported file.
> By hand I change in the msh GMSH file the physical group index of each
> elements (rather long...), open the file in GMSH back, checked that they
> were recognised as physical groups, save then in MED format and finally got
> them as groups in MED.
> I would have like to know if there was another way to carry out such
> management: changing "elementary entities" groups to "physical groups".
> I thank you in advance.
> Best regards,
> Pierre