[Gmsh] Transfinite Surfaces

Christophe Geuzaine cag32 at case.edu
Fri Nov 3 04:40:57 CET 2006

Laurent CHAMPANEY wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to use Transfinite Surfaces on faces of NON Transfinite Volumes 
> in order to prescribe the geometry of the mesh on faces that will be 
> later connected to other meshes.
> The 2D mesh is correct, but in some situations, some nodes are added on 
> the transfinite surface (which is not transfinite any more...) during 
> the construction of the 3D mesh. Is this possible or is it a bug in gmsh?

It's a known (mathematical) limitation of the 3D Delaunay algorithm. You 
could use the Delaunay+Frontal approach of the Netgen algorithm to solve 
this problem.

(Beware that in version 1.65 using the Netgen algorithm is a bit 
tedious, as you need to make sure, by hand, that all the surfaces in a 
"surface loop" are oriented with their normals pointing outside of the 
volume they bound. Gmsh 2.0 will fix this problem: all the orientations 
in the new version are performed automatically.)

> Thanks
> Laurent

Christophe Geuzaine
Assistant Professor, Case Western Reserve University, Mathematics