[Gmsh] Use of interpolation_scheme with multiple time steps
Stefan Sollerer
gmsh.stefan at sollerer.net
Thu Sep 7 12:04:41 CEST 2006
With the help of
I found out how to display symmetric results in a QUAD4 element. The
answer was to use the (new) functionality INTERPOLATION_SCHEME. But this
doesn't seem to work for multiple time steps:
Attachment "singleTime.pos" shows a symmetric map after inserting
INTERPOLATION_SCHEME and setting "recursion level =3" and "target error
= 0" in Options -> Range (using "Filled iso-values" as intervals type).
Attachment "multipleTime.pos" is similar to "singleTime.pos" but has an
additional time step entry in each scalar quad. However, only the first
time step is shown and it's not possible to cycle through the two steps.
Is it possible to use multiple time steps with the INTERPOLATION_SCHEME
Thanks for your help!
Stefan Sollerer
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