[Gmsh] GMSH input data question

Enrique Izaguirre enrique.izaguirre at radiology.ucsf.edu
Thu Jun 29 23:32:30 CEST 2006

Dear Christophe

i would like to know how I can  import/ open geometry files or 3D files 
to use as a geometry input (.geo)
from other programs and formats  .
 example:  CAD  programs  or  tomographic files 

specially i am interested in generating a mesh from  raw  volumetric 
data  from Computed Tomography  ((CT ) scanners
these files are raw data  organized in a 3 D matrix . Each matrix 
element represent a voxel where its values is   usually integer or 
floating point that carries  the intensity of the CT data.

do you have list of  input files that are compatible with GMSH .


Enrique Izaguirre

PS: by the way, your program is a great program
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fn:Enrique Wilmar  Izaguirre
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