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I am developing an open source Electromagnetic Modeler (called
"EmCAD") which makes use of Gmsh in two ways: It calls the Gmsh library
for the generation of a surface mesh and it calls the Gmsh application
for the visualization.
You can find the source code (and also a windows installer) at the
following web page:
<a href="http://hierarchical-electromagnetics.com/technology/emcad/">http://hierarchical-electromagnetics.com/technology/emcad/</a>
For this application I need to specify mesh sizes which are associated
with geometrical faces. So I added a "meshSize" field to the
"meshAttributes" structure inside of the "GFace" class.
Then I added a few lines into the "BackgroundMeshTools.cpp" file which
take into account of the new data for the mesh settings.
The details are given in the annexed patch files which should be applied
to the last version of Gmsh (version 2.10.1).
Would it be possible to include these small changes in the next official
releases ? I think it should not introduce any relevant penalization for
the normal usage of Gmsh. In that way I will be able to link my
application with that official versions.
Many thanks
Walter Steffè
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