<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div>Dear gmsh users, <br><br></div>I am generating a mesh with gmsh (geo file attached) and I get a freefem readable mesh (freefem_mesh.msh also attached)<br><br></div><div>but it seems I have trouble reading the mesh : <br><br></div><div>here is the error I get :<br></div><div><br> ## Warning: Mesh without geometry we construct a geometry (theta =-57.2958 degres )<br>+++ Fatal Error Triangle (in SetInCoor) area of Triangle < 0<br> Triangle 3813 det (I2) = 0 (R2) 1.27055e-21; The 3 vertices <br>52 53 4 : [0.0247948,-0.00319693][0.025,-6.12323e-18][0.025,0] ; [597378094,260633918][597878969,268435455][597878969,268435455]<br> Fatal error in the meshgenerator 899<br> current line = 18<br>Meshing error: Bamg<br> number : 899, <br>Meshing error: Bamg<br> number : 899, <br> err code 4 , mpirank 0<br><br></div><div><br></div>Do
you see an obious problem with my file ? (I don't really understand
because I generated in the past the same kind of mesh and it was fine
...)<br><br></div>thanks a lot for your help!<br><br></div>Julien<br></div>