<div dir="ltr">I have created one <b>mygeometry.geo</b> file which contains points, lines, circles (with additional helping nodes to define arcs), line loops, surfaces, and a recombine surface definitions in 2D. From command line, I can create with <b>gmsh -2 mygeometry.geo </b>the desired mesh with quadrilateral elements. The aforementioned command will produce <b>mygeometry.msh</b>. Is there any option, to remove additional nodes (used only for geometry purposes) from <b>$Nodes</b> block, and also all the elements marked with labels "15" and "1" (points and 1D line elements correspondigly) in <b>$Elements</b> block of .msh file? I need only "pure" mesh nodes and pure quad elements in msh file.<br>
<br>Thanks in advance!<br></div>