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Dear gmsh/getdp community,
A rudimental emacs gmsh mode is attached here. It works for gmsh and getdp files (extensions .geo and .pro).
The hint in the manuals for gmsh and getdp to use c++-mode is good. But c++-mode does not handle loops and conditionals of gmsh/getdp.
Also the highlighting of gmsh/getdp keywords is not supported by c++-mode.
The gmsh mode also supports the import of ascii stl files as geo-source text.
I know the gmsh command "Merge" for that purpose but I did not find a way to rotate merged STL-grids.
This works fine for ascii-stl imported as geo-.source text.
Clearly, there is no guaranty for whatever. I can also not promise to maintain the file.
Best regards,
Tobias Naehring