Dear all,<br><br>I am trying to extrude a curve to generate a surface and define physical lines. The code I use is the following:<br><br>lc = 0.1;<br>h = 0.1;<br>R= 0.50;<br>L = 20.0;<br><br>// ############# POINTS ##############<br>
//Base<br>Point(0) = {0, 0, 0, lc};<br>Point(1) = {R, 0, 0, lc};<br>Point(2) = {0, R, 0, lc};<br><br>Circle(1) = {1,0,2};<br>Circle(2) = {2,0,3};<br><br><br>Transfinite Line{1,2}=46;<br><br>nb_layers = 5;<br>out[] = Extrude{Line{1};Layers{nb_layers,-0.1};Using Index[1];};<br>
Physical Surface(200)={out[1]};<br>Physical Line(350)={out[0]};<br>Physical Line(450)={out[3]};<br>Physical Line(550)={out[4]};<br><br>When I visualize the mesh, the physical entities are correctly saved and I am able to visualize the surface but I am not able to plot any of the physical lines. What could be the problem?<br>
<br>Many thanks in advance,<br><br>Paolo<br>