Good morning,<br><br>I am currently trying to connect an extruded mesh to a tetrahedral grid using pyramids. According to the version history found on the GMSH web page it is now possible since GMSH 2.6.<br>Nevertheless, in the FAQ I can read : <br>
<br>"Does Gmsh automatically couple unstructured tetrahedral meshes and structured hexahedral meshed using pyramids?
<p>No. We need your help to implement this."
</p>Unfortunaly, when I try to mesh my model, I have to following error : "Error : Cannot tetrahedralize volume with quadrangles on boundary"<br><br>Is there a specific algorithm I should set up in order to be able to use pyramids?<br>
<br>Regards,<br><br>Guillaume Parent.<br><br clear="all"><br>-- <br><font>Guillaume PARENT<br>Maître de Conférences en Génie Electrique<br>
Université d'Artois<br>Laboratoire Systèmes Electrotechniques et Environnement<br><br>Faculté des Sciences Appliquées<br>Technoparc Futura 62400 BETHUNE France<br>Tél : <a href="tel:%2833%29%20%280%293%2021%2063%2072" value="+13303216372" target="_blank">(33) (0)3 21 63 72</a> 44<br>
E-mail : <a href="" target="_blank"></a><br>