I have used GMSH for a long time, which is really a nice program!!
BUT, I have got three questions to propose.<br> FIRSTLY, Open CASECADE has upgraded to 6.5.2, which has made a lot of troubles for GMSH. Such as, since OCC 6.5.0
, OCC abrogated the method Value() in many classes (fortunately, they provided SquareDistance() instead), making function "OCC_Connect::cutmap_t OCC_Connect::SelectCuttingEdges()" has to be changed. They also changed BRepMesh_FastDiscret::Add() £¬ which nolonger accept one argument, making statement "aMesher.Add(s)£»¡° in function "bool OCCFace::buildSTLTriangulation(bool force)" failed!<br> SECONDLY, is there any method to draw a Polar Coordinate figure? Such like diagrams in this web: http://www.earsandgears.com/2010/10/28/microphone-directionality-%E2%80%93-polar-patterns/<br> THIRDLY, is there any method to draw different 2D lines in ONE diagram, which is useful to compare different them? I know GMSH can draw different different 2D lines in different view[], but they are in different diagrams. I also googled an example: http://www.uker.net/Article/UploadFiles/200704/20070420114003542.bmp
Thanks!<br> Lennie Song 2012-3-12<br></pre>