Hi,<br><br>I am new to gmsh and I'm trying to use it to generate a tetrahedral finite element mesh of a thick-walled truncated ellipsoid. To do so I have created a scaffold of elliptic arcs and then connected them to make an inner half-ellipsoidal surface and an outer one and then generated a volume and meshed it. I added the code at the end of the email.<br>
My problem is that in this way I get kinks where the different surfaces meet and this affects the simulations I then do with such mesh. I get indeed on a xy-plane cut a couple of rhomboid-like rather than concentric ellipses. I then mesh using <br>
Mesh Adapt <-- 2D algorithm<br>Delaunay <-- 3D algorithm<br>Standard <-- recombination algorithm<br><br>None <-- Subdivision algorithm<br>No split <-- Remeshing algorithm<br>Harmonic <-- remeshing parametrization<br>
<br>1<-- Smoothing steps<br>1.00 <-- Element size factor<br>0-1e+22 <-- Min/Max element size<br><br>I don't know if its a matter of meshing settings or the way I've defined the scaffold. I've tried a few different settings but didn't succeed. Is there a way to make the connection between surfaces smoother?<br>
<br>Best<br><br>Valentina<br><br><br>-----------------------------------------<br>-----------------------------------------<br>lc = 0.09;<br>b0=0.5;<br>a0=0.4;<br>c0= 1;<br>rad_ax=0.1;<br><br>//CENTRE POINT<br><br>Point(1) = {0.0,0.0,0.0,lc};<br>
<br>//OUTER ELLIPSOID<br><br>Point(2) = {a0,0.0,0.0,lc};<br>Point(3) = {0.0,b0,0.0,lc};<br>Point(4) = {0.0,rad_ax,0.0,lc};<br><br>Ellipse(1) = {2,1,4,3};<br><br>Point(5) = {-a0, 0.0, 0.0, lc};<br><br>Ellipse(2) = {3,1,4,5};<br>
<br>Point(6) = {0.0,-b0, 0.0, lc};<br>Point(7) = { 0.0, -rad_ax,0.0, lc};<br><br>Ellipse(3) = {2,1,7,6};<br>Ellipse(4) = {6,1,7,5};<br><br>Point(8) = {0.0,0.0,-c0,lc};<br>Point (9) = {0.0,0.0, -rad_ax,lc};<br><br>Ellipse(5) = {3,1,9,8};<br>
Ellipse(6) = {2,1,9,8};<br>Ellipse(7) = {6,1,9,8};<br>Ellipse(8) = {5,1,9,8};<br><br>Line Loop(9) = {1,5,-6};<br>Ruled Surface(10) = {9};<br><br>Line Loop(11) = {3,7,-6};<br>Ruled Surface(12) = {11};<br><br>Line Loop(13) = {4,8,-7};<br>
Ruled Surface(14) = {13};<br><br>Line Loop(15) = {2,8,-5};<br>Ruled Surface(16) = {15};<br><br>// INNER ELLIPSOID<br><br>d=0.15;<br>a1=a0-d;<br>b1=b0-d;<br>c1=c0-d;<br>Point(10) = {a1,0.0,0.0,lc};<br>Point(11) = {0.0,b1,0.0,lc};<br>
Ellipse(17) = {10,1,4,11};<br><br>Point(12) = {-a1, 0.0, 0.0, lc};<br><br>Ellipse(18) = {11,1,4,12};<br><br>Point(13) = {0.0,-b1, 0.0, lc};<br><br><br>Ellipse(19) = {10,1,7,13};<br>Ellipse(20) = {13,1,7,12};<br><br>Point(14) = {0.0,0.0,-c1,lc};<br>
<br><br>Ellipse(21) = {11,1,9,14};<br>Ellipse(22) = {10,1,9,14};<br>Ellipse(23) = {13,1,9,14};<br>Ellipse(24) = {12,1,9,14};<br><br>Line Loop(25) = {17,21,-22};<br>Ruled Surface(26) = {25};<br><br>Line Loop(27) = {19,23,-22};<br>
Ruled Surface(28) = {27};<br><br>Line Loop(29) = {20,24,-23};<br>Ruled Surface(30) = {29};<br><br>Line Loop(31) = {18,24,-21};<br>Ruled Surface(32) = {31};<br><br>//BORDERS<br><br><br>Line(33)={2,10};<br>Line(34)={6,13};<br>
Line(35)={5,12};<br>Line(36)={3,11};<br><br>Line Loop(37) = {33, 17, -36, -1};<br>Plane Surface(38) = {37};<br>Line Loop(39) = {36, 18, -35, -2};<br>Plane Surface(40) = {39};<br>Line Loop(41) = {35, -20, -34, 4};<br>Plane Surface(42) = {41};<br>
Line Loop(43) = {34, -19, -33, 3};<br>Plane Surface(44) = {43};<br><br>Surface Loop(45) = {10,12,14,16,26,28,30,32,38,40,42,44};<br>Volume(46) = {45};<br><br>