Hi, <br> i'm a student of mathematical<span id="result_box" class="short_text" lang="en"><span title="Fai clic per visualizzare le traduzioni alternative" class="hps"> engineering at Politecnico di Milano. <br>I'm trying to build a 3D mesh of dimension (-3.14,3.14)x(-1.57,1.57)x(-1,1) , with 30 nodes per edge, tetrahedrical elements and a different label on every face. <br>
The particular feature of the mesh is spacing. Infact i need an uniform spacing on 'x' and 'y' direction and a tanh(z) spacing on 'z' direction for internal nodes. <br>I only obtained a mesh with spacing tanh(x), tanh(y) and tanh(z), but it's not esactly what i need for my simulations.<br>
Can someone give me some hints to solve my problem?<br><br>Thanks in advance<br>Best Regards<br>Simone Cassani<br><br><br></span></span>