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<p class="western" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;">Dear,</p><p class="western" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"><br></p>
<p class="western" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;">I did the download of
the gmsh by the site http://www.geuz.org/gmsh . The package contains
the manual, tutorial, several examples, the executable file among
others. When open the geometry given in gmsh, eg, cube.geo, and mark
the option 2D mesh eg, the program closes. Could you help me solve
this problem? I am not able to do the mesh after do the geometry.</p>
<p class="western" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;">Best of regards</p>
<p class="western" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;">Ecila<!--EndFragment--></p>
<p class="western" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"><br>