I have a solidworks model which I exported as an STL file. Then I used the following test.geo <br><br>Geometry.Tolerance = 1.e-12;<br>MeshSize = 0.1 ;<br><br>Merge "refined.stl" ;<br><br>Point(1) = {-1.0,-1.0,-1.2, MeshSize};<br>
Point(2) = { 1.4,-1.0,-1.2, MeshSize};<br>Point(3) = { 1.4, 1.4,-1.2, MeshSize};<br>Point(4) = {-1.0, 1.4,-1.2, MeshSize};<br><br>Line(1) = {1 , 2};<br>Line(2) = {2 , 3};<br>Line(3) = {3 , 4};<br>Line(4) = {4 , 1};<br><br>
<br>Line Loop(1) = {1, 2, 3, 4};<br>Plane Surface(2) = {1};<br><br>Extrude{0, 0, 2.432}{ Surface{2}; }<br><br>Surface Loop(1) = {1};<br>Surface Loop(2) = { 2, 13, 17, 21, 25, 26};<br><br>Volume(2) = {2,1};<br><br>Physical Volume("Fluid") = {2};<br>
<br>Physical Surface("Man ") = {1};<br>Physical Surface("Floor") = {2};<br>Physical Surface("Roof") = {17};<br>Physical Surface("Inlet") = {13};<br>Physical Surface("Outlet") = {21};<br>
Physical Surface("Walls") = {25, 26};<br><br>When i do<br><br>gmsh -3 test.geo<br><br>I get the following error<br><br>Error: Invalid PLC.<br> Hint: Use -d switch to check it.<br>Error : Self intersecting surface mesh, computing intersections (this could take a while)<br>
Constructing Delaunay tetrahedralization.<br> Creating initial tetrahedralization.<br> Incrementally inserting points.<br><br>I see that I have intersecting facets but is there any thing i can do to fix it? (either a switch in gmsh or something i should do in solidworks) <br>