Dear M. Remacle,<br><br>I found on the web your presentation:<br><a href=""></a><br>(back to 2007)<br>
<br>I am really impressed by pictures on p83 and p86 that I also enclose in the mail.<br>Has the use of FFT to reparametrize surface been integrated in GMSH?<br><br>Also, I wonder how to obtain the quad mesh illustrated p90 with gmsh?<br>
Simply asking for a "All Quads" as "Subdivision algorithm" in "Options\Mesh\General" usually doesn't give back such a mesh.<br>Coudl you please point out the other parameters to adjust for such a meshing?<br>
<br>I thank you in advance for your advices.<br>Bests,<br><br>Pierre<br>