Hello,<br><br>I am trying to generated an unstructured mesh and have been noticing that each time I generated the mesh, the mesh is different from the previous time. This is really easy to see if you make a square plane 2d mesh and just keep reloading and doing a 2d mesh. Each time Gmsh has to calculate a new mesh it is different. Is there a way to generate the same mesh which has the same nodal location every time? Is there and option to turn off the random seed generator and just use a constant seed?<br>
<br>This is my square, which shows the randomness after each reload and mesh.<br><br>Point(1)={0,0,0,1};<br>Point(2)={10,0,0,1};<br>Point(3)={10,10,0,1};<br>Point(4)={0,10,0,1};<br>Line(1)={1,2};<br>Line(2)={2,3};<br>Line(3)={3,4};<br>
Line(4)={4,1};<br>Line Loop(1)={1:4};<br>Ruled Surface(1)={1};<br><br><br>Thank you,<br>Adam Z.<br>