Hello,<br><br>I have been working on duplicating the transfinite bump using layers and arrays. I can't seem to figure out the equation or series used to compute the location of each node on the line. At first I thought it was a power series like the transfinite progression is. That didn't work though. Below are the two equations I thought would duplicate bump using layers. Both compare the layers with the actual transfinite line to ensure there are the same number of nodes and the spacing is the same.<br>
<br>n=5; // Number of nodes<br>p=2; // Progression equations<br>a=(p-1)/(p^(n-1)-1);<br>Point(5)={0,-1,0,2};<br>Point(6)={10,-1,0,2};<br>Line(3)={5,6};<br>Transfinite Line{3}=n Using Progression p;<br><br>nod[0]=1;<br>spa[0]=a;<br>
For i In {1:n-2}<br> nod[i]=1;<br> spa[i]=spa[i-1]+a*p^(i);<br>EndFor<br>Point(7)={0,-1.1,0,2};<br>Extrude {10,0,0} {Point{7}; Layers{nod[],spa[]};}<br><br>The next is about the same but for a reverse direction.<br><br>
n=5; // Number of nodes<br>p=2; // Progression equations<br>a=(p-1)/(p^(n-1)-1);<br>Point(1)={0,0,0,2};<br>Point(2)={10,0,0,2};<br>Line(1)={1,2};<br>Transfinite Line{-1}=n Using Progression p;<br><br>nodes[n-2]=1;<br>spaces[n-2]=1;<br>
For j In {n-3:0:-1}<br> nodes[j]=1;<br> spaces[j]=spaces[j+1]-a*p^(-j+n-3);<br>EndFor<br>Point(3)={0,.1,0,2};<br>Extrude {10,0,0} {Point{3}; Layers{nodes[],spaces[]};}<br><br>If anyone has any code for creating a similar node map using layers which represents a transfinite line using bump, could you post it? Or if you know how Gmsh computes the spacing for each node in bump, then could you post that?<br>
<br>Thank you,<br>Adam Z.<br>