I'm looking for a surface command that can combine already existing surfaces.<br><br>Motivation:<br><br>while writing a gmsh script to generate a mesh for complex geometry, it is useful to separate it into functions A problem that I face now is as follows:<br>
<br>Assume that you have functions F1 ... F3<br>each of them generate the geometry for a complex surface S1 ... Sn by building each surface out of a group of small surfaces a1 ...an. What you would like to have is a feature that allows each function to group all the defined surfaces a1 ... an in one surface A that will by used by the rest of the program. If we do not have a way for this thin any modification in function F1 will have consequences on the rest of the program which harms the modularity of the solution. For this one needs: <br>
<br>1) a surface command that can combine already existing surfaces.<br><br>according to my understanding: I can not use surface loops for this, since loops has to build a closed volume. I also can not use Physical surface for this since it is not accepted by Surface loop command. Thanks.<br>
<br>Best regards,<br>Maka.<br>