Hi!<br><br>I was using Sleep command together with Draw to understand how certain geometry is build. It is much faster than using comments, since it could be inserted in all the file at different places and run once. I noticed that it does not update the geometry. All what happens is that the reading process is delayed but the goemetry is drawn immediately at the end. Here is an EXAMPLE modified from CONE.GEO in demos:<br>
<br><br>lc = 0.2;<br>Point(1) = {0,0,0,lc};<br>Point(2) = {1,0,0,lc};<br>Point(6) = {0,0,3,lc};<br>Line(1) = {1,2};<br>Line(2) = {2,6};<br>Line(3) = {6,1};<br>Line Loop(4) = {2,3,1};<br>Plane Surface(5) = {4};<br><br>// added line:<br>
Sleep 5; Draw;<br><br>Extrude {{0,0,1}, {0,0,0}, Pi/2} { Surface{5}; }<br>Extrude {{0,0,1}, {0,0,0}, Pi/2} { Surface{17}; }<br><br>// added line:<br>Sleep 5; Draw;<br><br>Extrude {{0,0,1}, {0,0,0}, Pi/2} { Surface{29}; }<br>
Extrude {{0,0,1}, {0,0,0}, Pi/2} { Surface{41}; }<br><br><br>