Dear. Dr. Christophe Geuzaine.<br>
We are working in a new project and we are thining to use the gmsh to develop it in our application. <br>
We would like to know if you have an UML specification of the gmsh? We can get it?<br>
We are greatful with gmsh. It is a great computational tool.<br>
Waiting for your answer.<br>
Best regards.<br>
<br>-- <br>==================================================<br>Carlos Henrique da Silva Santos, M.Sc.<br>Ph.D. Degree Student - CePOF Collaborator<br>Laboratory of Electromagnetism Applied and Computational (LEMAC)<br>
Department of Microwaves and Optics (DMO)<br>School of Electrical and Computer Engineer (FEEC)<br>State University of Campinas (UNICAMP)<br>Phone: +55(19)3521-5175<br>==================================================