<DIV>hi all,</DIV>
<DIV>I am new to using the Gmsh, i want to create a cone with some radius r and height h,how to do this, one more question i defined a 4 ponits and then 4 lines so it formed a rectangle by using Line Loop and i saved it as rect.geo , now do i need to compile this file(if so how) or just i have to go and use interactive mode file-open(rect.geo)this will draw the rectangle for me and i use mesh to get a mesh for rectangle now i have all the elements in mesh with only triangles,i want a mesh which should have both triangles and quadrilaterals.how to do this , if i want to make mesh coarser(with less triangles and quadrilatal elements) or finer( with more triangles and quadrilaterals)and how to do this.</DIV>
<DIV>Please help me to solve this.Thanks in advance.</DIV>
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