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<p>I have some more infos concerning the use of gmsh through a ssh
<br>I can connect to a remote machine using ssh, I run gmsh on this
<br>machine to visualize some .pos located on this machine.
<br>I can open a gmsh window but I cannot draw anything in it.
<p>The problem is not due to the display setting :
<br>ssh picks the right setting itself (whereas telnet does not).
<p>The problem is not due to the ssh configuration parameters
<br>(X11remoteDisplay is allowed in the ssh_config) and I am using
<br>ssh -X
<p>When gmsh tries to draw, the following line appears in the shell
<p>XRequest.130: GLXBadRenderRequest 0xb
<p>It seems the ssh connection cannot interpret
<br>some evolved GL operations.
<pre>Thanks for your help.</pre>
Nicolas Moës
Laboratoire de Mécanique et Matériaux
École Centrale de Nantes
1 Rue de la Noe, 44321 Nantes, France
Tel: 02 40 37 68 22, Fax: 02 40 37 25 73
email: nicolas.moes@ec-nantes.fr</pre>