[Gmsh] Extrude for unstructured mesh

Theler German Guillermo gtheler at cites-gss.com
Mon Feb 29 13:59:14 CET 2016

Why did the second attempt fail? Note that Gmsh may show all the
elements but it saves to the .msh file only those associated to physical

Try saving the .msh and re-opening it again.

Germán Theler :: CTO Ingeniería & TICs

CITES – Centro de Innovación Tecnológica Empresarial y Social S.A.
Dirección General Sancor Seguros
Grupo Sancor Seguros
tel +54 3493 –428 500 – Int.: 3374
gtheler at cites-gss.com
www.cites-gss.com - www.gruposancorseguros.com

On Mon, 2016-02-29 at 07:13 +0100, Stephan Gekle wrote:
> Dear all,
> I have created a script which meshes an axisymmetric surface by
> extrusion (see attachment). Then the mesh contains both the outer
> surface of revolution as well as the four inner auxiliary surfaces which
> were used/created by the extrusion.
> In the final mesh, I would like to have only the outer surface of
> revolution. I have tried to either delete the inner surfaces or to
> select only the outer surfaces as "Physical Surfaces". Both attempts
> have failed.
> Would someone have a hint how to go about that?
> Thanks a lot in advance!
>     Stephan
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