[Gmsh] How does GMSH know which side of a surface is the INside?

Theler German Guillermo gtheler at cites-gss.com
Fri Jul 17 20:35:09 CEST 2015

> The test you suggested (sign of dot product of normal vector and vector
> to the center of the volume) at the end of the previous discussion would
> work for convex shapes but not for all non-convex ones. For example, if
> you draw a border around the letter I, the outward normal on the
> underside of the overhang points generally *toward* the center, not away
> from it. GMSH must use some other algorithm.

You are right, but I was refering nevertheless to the center of the
element whose normal we are trying to determine and not the center of
the whole volume. Since any usable element should be convex, my
algorithm ought to work (and it actually does as far I as I have tested

My overall point is that, given a code that solves a certain equation
using FVM over a gmsh-generated domain in the form of a .msh file, these
computations (i.e. the normals and their orientations) have to be
performed within the code, even if the same mesh is used repeteadly. If
all this information was somehow inserted into the .msh file, there
would be a remarkable increase of efficiency in these cases.


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