[Gmsh] Calculation of the area of a plane surface

Pavel Ponomarev Pavel.Ponomarev at lut.fi
Thu Apr 2 18:43:46 CEST 2015


Is there a way to calculate area of a surface within the .geo file?

Let's say I have a plane surface defined by a complex shaped line loop 

	Line Loop(58) = {23, 47, -15, -14, -13, 18, 24, 21, 22};
	Plane Surface(59) = {58};

Is there a way to save the are in square meters of this Plane Surface to a separate file using printf like:
	Printf("%f", Area(59) ) >> "file.txt";

Best Regards,
Pavel Ponomarev

Dr. Pavel Ponomarev
Laboratory of Electrical Drives Technology, 
LUT Energy, Lappeenranta University of Technology
pavel.ponomarev at lut.fi