[Gmsh] Meshing an ellipse with quadrilaterals - forces program to quit
Arne Muecke
arne.muecke at gmail.com
Fri Dec 13 07:48:23 CET 2013
first of all, I am new to GMSH and still in the beginnings of my learning process.
What I want to do is creating an ellipse (2d) and mesh it with quadrilaterals (4 nodes).
I had success creating the ellipse geometry as followed:
-------------------------------------------------------------------- beginning of the file -------------------------------------
//mesh characteristic length
cl = 0.5;
Point(1) = {0,0,0,cl};
Point(2) = {10,0,0,cl};
Point(3) = {-1.4142,0,0,cl};
Point(4) = {1.4142,0,0,cl};
Point(10) = {0,0.7071,0,cl};
Point(20) = {0,-0.7071,0,cl};
Ellipsis(5) = {10,1,2,3};
Ellipsis(6) = {4,1,2,10};
Ellipsis(7) = {20,1,2,3};
Ellipsis(8) = {4,1,2,20};
Line Loop(9)={5,6,7,8};
Plane Surface(11)={9};
Physical Line(12)={5};
Physical Line(13)={6};
Physical Line(14)={7};
Physical Line(15)={8};
Physical Surface(21)={11};
-------------------------------------------------------------end of file--------------------------
So with this .geo file, I start GMSH. When I am trying to create the 2D Mesh, the program just crashes. For reference, I attached the log file.
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When I set the value "cl" to 1 in the File, GMSH will create one element. It doesn't matter if I am using Triangles or Quadrilaterals.
I would really appreciate if somebody could help me and tell what I am doing wrong.
Thank you and regards