[Gmsh] neighbors+ruled surfaces
David Colignon
David.Colignon at ulg.ac.be
Wed Dec 9 10:35:42 CET 2009
Denis Martynov wrote:
> Dear sir!
> My name is Denis Martynov, I'm a student of Moscow Institute of Physics
> and Technology, department of general and applied physics. My science
> team needs tetrahedral meshes in physical space for solving our tasks.
> At this stage I build mesh using GMSH, then save it using binary .msh
> format, and then load this file to my C++ program. Now I have to find
> out for each tetrahedron its neighbours myself and this takes some
> time...I wonder if GMSH can type a list of neighbors for each
> tetrahedron?
Hi Denis,
no, Gmsh cannot give you "out of the box" a list of neighbors for each tetrahedron. I suppose it has these connectivity
information in its internal meshing database, but you would have to modify the source code to query and output these
informations in a new mesh format that you will define.
David Colignon, Ph.D.
Collaborateur Logistique du F.R.S.-FNRS
CÉCI - Consortium des Équipements de Calcul Intensif
ACE - Applied & Computational Electromagnetics
Sart-Tilman B28
Université de Liège
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Agenda: http://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=david.colignon%40gmail.com
I use Delaynay algorithm that is optimized by Netgen.
> And I have another question. It is actual if GMSH can't type neighbors
> of each tetrahedron. This is about ruled surfaces. In GMSH tutorial one
> can read about ruled surface: "a surface that can be interpolated using
> transfinite interpolation". How can I get the equation of the surface to
> define which tetrahedrons border this surface?
> Sincerely,
> Denis Martynov.
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