[Gmsh] transfinite on complex 2d geometry

Umut Tabak u.tabak at tudelft.nl
Fri Sep 18 13:02:16 CEST 2009

Dear all,

Is that possible to use the transfinite algorithm to generate quadrangle 
elements. As far as, I can understand from the selection approach of the 
transfinite algorithm or elements, we have to supply corners that form 
the rectangle/square region that is to be meshed. For the moment , if 
the geometry is complex and if I would like to generate quad elements on 
a 2D geometry, I am splitting that region into some appropriate 
sub-surfaces that can be meshed with transfinite algorithm but sometimes 
the mesh becomes quite distorted so is there another strategy to be able 
to use if I would like to generate quad elements on complex geometries?

Best regards,