[Gmsh] Gmsh for 3D rectangular mesh generation in Computational Electromagnetics

Gourang Mulay mulaygn at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 14 14:17:38 CEST 2009

Pune 14th August 2009

Dear Sirs,

I would like to know if Gmsh can be used for 3D rectangular mesh generation for TLM (Transmission Line Matrix) modelling of microstrip resonators and patch antennas. The meshes are not of the same size with small meshes in the area of interest and large meshes in the boundary regions.

To reduce the number of meshes, multi-gridding is extensively used i.e. instead of each mesh having only one neighbouring mesh in each direction, one large mesh is flush-aligned with several small meshes.

In the attached 'Gmsh for Computational Electromagnetics.doc' file I have given a brief overview of the meshing requirements as well as a detailed Problem Statement.

With regards,

Dr. G. N. Mulay, 
Professor and Head, 
Department of Electronics & Telecommunications, 
Maharashtra Institute of Technolgy, 
Sr.No.124, Paud Road, Kothrud, 
Pune 411 038, INDIA. 
Fax        : 91-20-2544 2770
Tel(Office): 91-20-3027 3466, 91-20-2544 7838  
Tel(Res.)  : 91-20-2565 0566
Email      : gnmulay at mitpune.com, mulaygn at yahoo.com

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