[Gmsh] Default scale format, change scale

Mike B. mb78aa at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 22 03:00:11 CEST 2009

Hi Sebastian,

If you export from a CAD package the `units' will be determined by the CAD. There seems to be no mention of Gmsh being aware of `physical units' such as meter or inches. For example, 
setting`mm' units in the CAD software, exporting as STL and loading into Gmsh (with `merge') gives a model in `mm' units. Presumably the same would happen with any other units you set in the CAD software.


--- On Tue, 7/21/09, Sebastian Mathiowetz <sebastian.mathiowetz at googlemail.com> wrote:

From: Sebastian Mathiowetz <sebastian.mathiowetz at googlemail.com>
Subject: [Gmsh] Default scale format, change scale
To: gmsh at geuz.org
Date: Tuesday, July 21, 2009, 8:47 PM

Hi there, 

I´ve got a very simple question: in the manual it says that default scaling is 1. 
So when I define a straight line from points 0, 0, 0 and 0, 1, 0, is it´s size then 1 meter or 1 millimeter or what is the unit scale? I can´t find anything in the documentation, but I guess its SI units, so it must be 1 m, is that right?eqe

When I click on the button 1:1 (Set unit scale, or sync scale) at the bottom of the GUI window, there just happens nothing...How can I change scale then?
Thanks very much for any answers!

Bye, Sebastian

Sebastian Mathiowetz
Knauerstr. 26
90443 Nürnberg

Funk: 0177/2471457
Email: sebastian.mathiowetz at googlemail.com

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